Multi-part area problem

I merged the study of triangle trigonometry and polygon area in my geometry class, since they go together very well. For their test, I created this multi-part area problem I like quite a bit. You can click the image to access the Geogebra sketch I used to make it on GeogebraTube if you’d like toRead More

The power of power

Today in AP Statistics we continued the Great Candy Review by comparing Starburst proportions to the skittles proportions; specifically, we started trying to decide if the proportion of orange starbursts could be equal to the proportion of orange skittles. The activity covers both 1-sample proportion tests (by assuming that 20% of skittles are orange, as weRead More

The AP Conundrum

I am teaching AP Statistics this year, and, in general, really like it. I have a science background as much as a math background, so statistics is very appealing to me, and I honestly do believe that it is more important and useful than calculus for many, many people. Plus, I think it’s fun! MyRead More