I had an interesting conversation with a coworker earlier. She teaches an honors geometry class, and they are engaged in a really cool project right now, rather than traditional class time. She also wants them to learn about volume – which is what they would be doing in class – and so she is assigningRead More
Tweaking and playing with the learning goal assessment system
My experiment with learning goal grading continues, and I’m having fun with it. My students seem to like it, though some of them are a little confused on the process of it all – how do we retry? What things are graded? How do we… when do we… etc. To be fair, a lot ofRead More
A Google Sheets based standards gamification system

As described in a previous post, I recently decided to try a mastery-based grading system with gamification for my geometry classes, inspired by some amazing work from Kyle Pearce and John Orr. Implementation of the system is key, and they had together, with the help of Alice Keeler, created one of the most amazing pieces of GoogleRead More
I’m Gamifying Learning Goals with help from the MTBoS
On Thursday night I was up until about 11 pm – far past my normal weeknight bedtime – working on finishing some grading as midquarter grades were being posted the next day. As I worked my way through 40+ copies of a Big Unit Test, I realized that I was being surprised by them moreRead More
Today’s ridiculous project – a google sheet for AP style computer output
Working through my fourth candy assignment today, we ran into a problem where we could not easily create AP Stat style “computer output” for regression with student data. We do not have licenses for Minitab or JMP, R is outside my sphere (and the output looks different anyway), and Geogebra, statskey, and other free optionsRead More
Should statistics be taught longitudinally?
I’m working my way through my AP Statistics Candy Review activities and I really, really like them. And they are making me think about how this class is structured in my text and, I assume, most texts. Here is the basic structure of MANY of the chapters of my text: Big Topic A bit about itRead More
Multi-part area problem

I merged the study of triangle trigonometry and polygon area in my geometry class, since they go together very well. For their test, I created this multi-part area problem I like quite a bit. You can click the image to access the Geogebra sketch I used to make it on GeogebraTube if you’d like toRead More
Correlation with candy is hard
I had a hard time coming up with a candy activity for bivariate data that was really good. I ended up kind of cheating, and wrote an activity that has students gather lots of data points, one of which is “how many jelly beans can you pick up in one no-palm pinch?” and then letting themRead More
How accurate is the official M&M data really? Add your data!
Yesterday I did a chi-square goodness-of-fit test with my class comparing a large sample of M&Ms – over 800 of them – to the data that is provided by Mars for the true count of M&Ms. We got a p-value of 0.0002, which seems crazy. So now I simply need to know how accurate their dataRead More
AP Stat Candy Review so far – and a new one!
As of now, I have written 3 AP Statistics review activities centered around candy. You can access them all by clicking here. They are taking us around 2 class periods each, which is a full 160 minutes of class time; not a short commitment by any means, but I’m enjoying the long game connections a LOT.Read More