I’m struggling teaching probability in AP Statistics for a lot of reasons, that I may enumerate and reflect on in a later post, but for now, here’s a problem from my text’s tests (numbers and exact context changed) that I found particularly troublesome for students. “A grocery store examines its shoppers product selection and calculates the following: TheRead More
Category: Uncategorized
Google Slides with Always/Sometimes/Nevers -fascinating student interactions
Today in class I had one of those fun (and sadly rare) Great Activities I Didn’t Really Plan moments. We had a list of Always-Sometimes-Nevers about parallelograms that I took from the CME Geometry book (thanks y’all!). I decided I wanted to spend about 25 minutes looking and thinking about those, but didn’t really planRead More
Graph Theory and other math topics in Intro to CS
If there’s one thing that Intro to CS is teaching me this year, it’s that there is so much more math in programming and computers than I even notice. I’ve never taught a full-semester CS course before, and i’m taking it slow and easy. We have definitely not done as much as I could beRead More
Using Google Slides for examining student work in class
I do not have enough white board space in my geometry classroom. I am working on getting an entire wall covered, but I can’t just put up my own stuff, and it is a slow process. Until it happens, I can’t really do full-fledged Vertical Non-Permanent Surfaces work the way I would sometimes like. ThoughRead More
Virtual Proof Blocks and a Proof Portfolio
I’m trying a couple of new things in the triangle congruence / quadrilateral properties quarter of my geometry class this year. First, I’m implementing CME Geometry’s methods of analyzing proofs, which uses flowcharts as one way to figure out a proof. I’ve always used flowcharts more as a way to actually present a proof, as done in DiscoveringRead More
Meet the teacher night 2015
This was my first year doing meet the teacher night in my current school and division; I taught middle school science here for three years, but moved up to upper school math last year. However, I did not attend meet the teacher night last year as I was on paternity leave. So I needed somethingRead More
SBG in AP Stat – The melding of two assessment styles
I know that there are plenty of teachers using standards based grading in AP classes, but despite that I didn’t really know how I was going to implement it in my classroom. But I decided to give it a whirl, inspired by the technology at my disposal: the Ultimate Gamified Learning Goal Assessment Spreadsheet thatRead More
Doing Hierarchy of Hexagons soon – suggestions?
I will soon be implementing Christopher Danielson’s Hierarchy of Hexagons in my high school geometry class, and would love suggestions. Some necessary background: I teach in an all-girls private school with a pretty high academic reputation. The girls at my school are generally very academically motivated. We do have tracking, and my class is the “standard”Read More
Starmaking – A Programming and/or Geometry project
I have started working on a Star-making activity that has, I think, great potential in a computer programming OR a geometry class. I am currently doing it with my very small computer programming class (though I haven’t figured everything out yet – first time teaching a class and a small willing audience means we canRead More
My automated paperless workflow using Google drive and Onenote
This post may not be helpful to many as it is very specific to my setup, but it may help somebody so here it goes. I prefer to be paperless when possible because I tend to lose papers. Written assessments have always been tricky for me though because paperless workflows tend to be slow. FirstRead More